martes, 4 de enero de 2011


Did I do something?
Dict ayes, do sum think,
Deep eye, dull sunk sync,
Dig highs, dusk sun sin,
Dip aims, dust sound thin,
Defies, douche song seems.

 Want your kiss to surprise, worse it will be...
 try to work, to construct, to build,
 Ours prime property, belonging,
 Whose stone fundacional is: confidence...
 Diligence, patience, to rub prudence,
 To take reins of affective direction, emotive,
 Effective tactics, to coexistence achieve conviviality,
 In sites your hands raise protective walls, bar, blocks,
 And, legs to surround between mines,
 To consider not having prestablished plant...
 Us steps, trodden interconnected towards barren land,
 Grip, seize the most pleasant forms, in ways, san...
 Of nailing hados, nus fingerprints tread behind,
 Ahead, loving side, sure certainty tends,
 Placid synchrony, in sound of candid utopy.

 I dawn sin succulent lips, as yours,
 Professed it is so painful as not find motive to rol,
 Beat of origins, proceeds, and, processes,
 Methods, consistent procedures,
 All in almost immense world for one sole chicken,
 Entire out point mom never found its cock, suck egg,
 Abound, never looked enough for hen daddy chick, fowl,
 Some, the peeper woodpecker isn't always called poult,
 Few, little, of when in time it ran up with embryo,
 Void, in duel it disputed couple of ovals bulbs,
 Empty sphere of it that circulates mid turns,
 Scanty bowl: satisfied abundance of balls, of bullets il abyss down,
 Sign accuses of events, and, intervals gone,
 To continue in continuous against ul tempo,
 Ton con via, to end bird designing its nest.

Be will it worse surprise, kiss yours want,
build to construct, work to try,
belonging property prime ours,
confidence is fundacional, stone whose,...
prudence, rub to patience, diligence,
emotive direction, affective of reins, take to,...
conviviality achieve, coexistence to tactics effective,
blocks, bar, walls protective, raise hands, your sites in,...
mines between, surround two legs, aim,...
plant prestablished, having not consider too,
land, barren towards interconnected trodden, steps us, 

san, ways, in forms pleasant, must decides, grip,...
behind tread, fingerprints, nus hados nailing of,...
tends, certainty sure side, loving ahead,
utopy candid of sound, in sync placid.

Yours as lips, succulent sin dawn I,...
rol to motif, find not as painful so is it professed,
processes, and, proceeds, origins of beat,
procedures, consistent methods,
chicken sole, one for world, immense almost in all,
egg suck, cock its found, never mom point out, entire,
fowl, chick daddy, hen for enough, looked never abound,
poult called always isn't woodpecker, peeper the some,
embryo with up, ran it time in when, of little, few,...
bulbs, ovals of couple, disputed it duel in void,
turns mid circulates that, if odd sphere empty,

down, abyss il bullets of balls, of abundance satisfied bowl, scanty,...
gone intervals, and, events of accuses, sign,...
tempo, ul against, continuous in continue to,...
nest its designing bird, end to via, con ton.

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