Please! I am pleased to perceive that you get this kind of pleasure, people often tends to forget the value of being free, without any form of string, or blockade it constraint their will, is with this amount of liberty that everyone can develop their abilities and to progress, plus its helps the community economy, the chances of generate growth in their balance, accounts and banks.
Ply off this ease the pen from moving around; jam in a jar isn’t the same than aiming a bar, erase those dwindled leisured unwind themes, because I became so skeptical, cold and mean, I like to be chain to someone that doesn’t even care about my faith or to look at my face, but that’s another history, talking about it, I’ve learned some lessons to clam down myself and stand up in an easy-going way, no needs to play a part of villain, nor necessity to argue with tears of victim, just advance my game, respecting the bounds and bonds.
Set up a bunch of leaves, sit upon a fallen tree, soap its soak my hurtled back, it compares to a tool fixing a car, increase your own debt after gain the good price of your job well done, manage an angrier environment where there is no fortune to enjoy a lovely date, almost as near as a warm friendly-fire in a lost war, no occasion to feel the clocks of the earth, the rhythm of its embrace and beats, a sky lack of cynicism, only thaws as a name, icing the brooms and bucks.

¡Por favor! Me alegra percibir que recibe éste tipo de placer, la gente tiende a olvidar el valor de ser libre, sin ningún tipo de cadena, o un bloqueo que restrinja su voluntad, es con esta cantidad de libertad que todos pueden desarrollar sus capacidades y progresar, además de su ayuda a la economía de la comunidad, las posibilidades de generar un crecimiento en su balance, las cuentas y los bancos.
Pliego cae con facilidad de la pluma al moverse; mermelada en lata no es lo mismo que la mirada de un bar, borrar esos ociosos disminuidos a relajar sus temas, porque éste se hizo tan escéptico, frío y fiero, me gusta estar encadenado con alguien que ni siquiera le importe mi fe, o mirarme a la cara, sin embargo, esa es otra historia, para hablar de ella, he aprendido algunas lecciones que van calmándome un poco, y defender esa manera fácil de ser, no tiene que jugar un papel de villano, ni la necesidad de discutir con lágrimas cual víctima, justo antes de mi juego, respetando los límites y los lazos.
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