viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

Candy rum (my favorite perfum)

Caresses like the petals of roses,
cotton balls on the fence,
a floor of grass peppermint,
some shinning silk colored pink
climb across that violet window,
a soft lease of bottons, buds and dows,
the voice of a fallen widow,
a bird singing while is bright,
like that day you told me...
"you are mine".

A ocean fill of illusions
deep blue waters of waves dancing,
between salty entities, fishes and basils,
aromatic feelings on the magic beach,
inside the house a lot of sand,
a few coconut trees, one man walking,
the warming air came in and go out,
for a path there's only the shoreline,
even the stars doesn't appears on the sky,
then I remind it was a nightmare...

...when I was alone waiting for your sunshine,
and awake again, the lips moved and turn to smile,
your surely hands it brings me comfort,
there was no more fear, a golden joy,
a straw in my glass almost empty,
it drops that drink, honey of one thousand bees,
milky mouth, like candy rum,
your skin is my favorite perfum,
a timeless moment with you by my side,
lovely journey, I realized...

jueves, 30 de julio de 2009


Le cour du l' monde



What do you found after heard the sound of: "Please don't fall"?
What would you think about after reading this sentence: "Pleased, don't fail"?
What will happen if someone scream: "Please your faith"?
What you'd like to say following this words: "Plead in your fear"?
What if you were called: "Plea do fart"?

It is not the same to say:
I can do that,
a can of dull tar,
a candle off the jar...
I handled my own war.

or to tell:
can't get out this jail,
can not leave that chair,
knot in leafs and deer,
knock on this my dear...

a shout of voices:
knock out those shoes you wear,
nood loosen thus shock in there,
no odds loonies plus mockin' late,
no mods loosin', must shop a latte.


¿Qué es lo que se encontró después de oído el sonido de: "Por favor, no caer"?
¿Qué pensaría después de leer esta frase: "Encantado, no fallar"?
¿Qué pasará si alguien gritará: "Favorece, tu fe"?
¿Qué le gustaría decir después de estas palabras: "En su miedo alegar"?
¿Qué pasa si usted se llama: "Pedo motivado"?

No es lo mismo que decir:
Puedo hacer eso,
una lata de alquitrán aburrido,
una vela fuera de la jarra...
me maneja mi propia guerra.

o para decirle:
no puede salir de esta cárcel,
no pueden dejar esa silla,
nudo de hojas y venados,
llaman a éste mi querido...

un grito de voces:
eliminad esos zapatos que te ponéis,
desnudo afloja, por tanto, existe el choque,
loquito da más rompiendo tarde,
no administre usanzas, debe comprar el café.

martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Cuando es arte hay vida

Cuando es arte hay vida.

Arte es mirar, preguntarse sobre el todo,
conocer la realidad social, descubrir modos.
Arte es infinidad, vida, brevedad.
El arte viene de lo universal...
va a lo particular, y, se hace general.

Arte es sentir a la máxima capacidad de percepción,
es saber proveniente del pueblo,
es la cultura trascendiendo dones,
aptitudes y habilidades.

Sí, quiero hacero lo que debe ser,
no quiero, ni puedo transgredir...
las normas son: jurídicas, sociales,
naturales, religiosas, morales,
éticas y divinas.

Aúnque puedo intentar cometer faltas,
ellas me acusan, enjuician y penan,
Aúnque quiera intentar pecar,
ellos me desgarran mi ser, lo toman.

Tengo sueño, tengo frío a mediodía,
mi poema no tiene melodía
porque se mezclan pasión y señoría,
olvide lo que os dije usía.

nadie, ninguno puede saber
si temo, hallarían mis heridas,
nadie, ninguno puede ver
si tengo condiciones, tengo anomalías.

Estar sin causas, es ir a sitios sin invitación,
no poder tocar suavecito,
en un piano a veces triste,
me persigue la muerte...

...estando sin ti,
pero yo voy volando,
y supongo que ando...
...mucho más rápido que ella.

domingo, 26 de julio de 2009

3 pieces of Art

Sea Three (Trigono)
Is the entire world in another point of view, like the seven seas at the beiginning of life.

Three of life (Immaculate):
Also is a bit odd scale of what is the world for me.

Hellish Heaven:
Is the precambric age's cave

Good profit, Buen provecho, Bon appettit...

Inmaculada escritura

Inmaculada escritura que todo lo puedes,
apiádate de mis ilusos maromas mentales;
eleva mis versos hacia lo sublime,
utilidad y belleza entre tus verdades...

...sabiduría y entrega de manos mortales,
pureza abstracta y amplitud eterna de vocablo;
alegoria liviana de alguna profana palabra,
generalidad poética que surge de entruncado morfema.

Nominal sintagma de horas acabadas,
angustia de términos hechos verbos...
Quedate a mí lado mientras empuño mi pluma,
abrevia estos tiempos para construir sin chifla.

Recibid algunas prosas que aún no se predican,
ignorad las líneas vanas e insulsas de vecindad,
venerada y pulcra gramática no os atreváis a abandonaros,
llevad en tu seno a los recien llegados, y no convidados...

...similar comparación hacían de la ortográfica ponencia,
cuando una proverbial metáfora al buen ruedo salía.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

Moving to communicate

What can I say?
How do I explain?
Where did I found those words?
Who it will understand this speech?
That's my furtive effort to tell!

When I won't take you for granted!
Why are you scared this much?
If only vocabulary is unspoken...
then you shall see me
...moving to communicate.

What you've told me before?
How should I make a mistake?
Where do we go in this world?
Who's force shall be erased?
That's not important, a bad essay.

When I climb those Andes!
Why you make me discomfortable?
If lions eats those zebras...
then you should remember,
there's a natural law to stay alive.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Rumors equals troubles

Rumors equals troubles, triangles to build up,
streets to discover, people that turns you down;
places to be in it, waters to swam across,
may be a path of honey, perhaps the sorrowed journey,
instead of reasons, betrayal, as least surrogate denial,
by plants a culprit, to end up on wild pits,
a thorn as a lash, a fool on a leash,
the story of the sand, the moments beneath the tree,
our most delicate flower, that metal on your fist,
your spring box and my winter escape...

This summer vacation or the autumn vacancies,
a ball that broke up your favorite window,
that mistake that you'll ever regret,
a cat disguise, the stone in the sky,
as cold as a salt's statue,
on a tomb in the last lost pyramid...
an awful song that invade your mind,
and blows air or wind;
a hat over your hair,
your laughter will be heard,
should life be more fair?
With my dreams of being there!

A strong desire of be complete,
the meaning, the esence of cherish our bed,
that drop on my nail, those kind words,
the beat of your song.
Stay with me, ain't something wrong,
don't walk alone, remember you're the one, I know.

This got to be true, I dare the immensity, waves, times and ideals...
with my bare feets, empty hands, or shall I say barefoot and this pen to draw?
Or those shoes acting like a king of clowns?
Or above all the grace of God to our love?

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Hipersensible - Hypersensitive

Siempre he sido influenciado por las emociones,
al principio me tornan hipersensible,
en ocasiones sólo siento y percibo,
que experimento y conozco lo que escribo.

A veces no me lavo la cara,
otras la rasuradora se me olvida,
una vez al mes no me ducho,
y siendo feliz, más lucho.

I've been always feeling a lot of emotions,
influenced by it, at first it makes me hypersensitive,
at times, is just feel, I percieve,
an experiment that I know when I write.

Other ocassions I don't wash my face,
and even I forget the razor,
once in a month I won't shower,
and being happy, more I fight.

Conocer necesitamos

Estudiamos porque conocer no podemos, a fondo todas las personas que deseamos, para conocernos mejor, porque lo necesitamos, debido a esa necesidad de saber como somos.

Y el objeto principal de aprender consiste en la busqueda del placer, en el constante disfrute de las tentaciones, en transformar, recrear nociones.

Y siendo tan relativa la manera de llegar al conocimiento, cuya certeza nos hace sentir una increible felicidad por dentro, aún cuando no haya la facilidad de llevar todo aquello a la práctica, toda ciencia tiene base fáctica.

Si vamos en movimiento directo a la ilustración, aquellas cosas que se mueven en torno a nosotros se hacen tan obvias, su naturaleza, sus reacciones, sus propiedades y formas, de allí que, llegar al entendimiento del porque de las cosas, nos hace mejores seres humanos, nos eleva al estatus de personas.

Sin embargo, para que el aprendizaje sea eficaz, se requiere de una ambiente apropiado, de una enseñanza acorde con ese supremo ideal, de valorar la inmensidad de cuestiones que jamás pensaste descubrir, experimentar, definir, razonar, compartir, demostrar, en fin, la variada gama de elementos que derivan del saber.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Versos sueltos

You got a tender form to look at the people, it makes me detour my ways to react, you someday will get all my messages, although I am not the best for you, neither the worst nor the less troubled, however, I fall in love with you days ago, the caresses of my beloved hands are yours, if you want it of course, the meaningless and great ideas too, the shape of my face on your hands will be a heaven to me, the air your breath I want to aspire too, there is a tree on a mountain that I’d like to share with you, the moon and the sun, stars and skies couldn’t be important to me if you didn’t told me those words, now I feel as a citizen of the world, as the luckiest man on earth, a lot of more things you made me feel, and believe, love.

lunes, 6 de julio de 2009

Do you know? I knew!

I feel like I knew this long time ago, a bit of musk, a jar of a tippy beer, a pen on the other hand, grass over my feets, and on too, it was too high to walk in it, I feel like I knew you since I was born, a smile on your face will be my joy, a bar in front of me, and lens at the right hand, a muse had have inspired all the mankind, to progress in arts, tech, and rights; but, all that will be a nonsense without the love of someone else, and return that feeling pleased and calm; do you know how I felt, however, you didn't remember to behave, this is just an essay, a proof with a trembling emotion, and the hope to enrich my notion, a sorta of poem to stay in touch, anyway, I only say that in person.