Nos vimos y dijimos, os vemos, porque estamos que no vamos para el sitio donde nos encontramos cuando contratamos, y, generamos una nueva obligación.
Asimismo conocimos cuando cuentas cuanto cuesta hacerte paso por el mundo contemporaneo, casi siempre parece una fábula de esas que diseñaron en tiempos lejanos.
De modo que concordando con los precedentes parrafos, agotados en cuestiones acorde con el paso de años, conmemorando caminos andados de momentos concatenados a una conmovedora anecdota.
Cuyo condicionante colide con bases que fueron fundando cada detalle del cosmos que fuimos creando, e, intuyendo que el lento andar de los fenómenos que se construyeron ha sido debido al destino.
Que en cuyas horas he sido pactado con fuego y pecado, demoliendo delicados modelos, tumbando aquello por lo que se ha luchado, y en aguerridos choques todo se ha acabado.

We were and we said, you see, because we are not going to the place where we were when was hired, and created a new obligation.
Also know how much when you step accounts for the contemporary world, almost always seemed a fable designed in ancient times.
So agreeing with the preceding paragraphs, spent on issues consistently with the passage of years, marking moments of concatenated paths come to a poignant anecdote.
Whose condition colide bases with which they were founded every detail of the cosmos that we were creating, and, feeling that the slowly walk of the phenomena that has been built was due to the destiny.
Whose hours that have been agreed with fire and sin, demolishing sensitive models, bringing down what they has fought, and in fierce wars that clashes were all over crashed in the end.
Also know how much when you step accounts for the contemporary world, almost always seemed a fable designed in ancient times.
So agreeing with the preceding paragraphs, spent on issues consistently with the passage of years, marking moments of concatenated paths come to a poignant anecdote.
Whose condition colide bases with which they were founded every detail of the cosmos that we were creating, and, feeling that the slowly walk of the phenomena that has been built was due to the destiny.
Whose hours that have been agreed with fire and sin, demolishing sensitive models, bringing down what they has fought, and in fierce wars that clashes were all over crashed in the end.
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