martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


 Stop looking what it does not have to find,
 Because you found it some time ago, already,
 Do not even want to investigate for anything seek,
 That to come across something without the blow to succeed,
 It is like to want to touch the immaterial thing.

 Leave aspirations, in its lack it is going to fail,
 Due to the temptations everything will lose,
 Do not insist it, to walk for object that does not cost,
 That this affection to risk for not essential thing,
 as to give the orders to bark to fearful chick.

 Venture dedicating its perfection with property research,
 On the occasion of weakness to weigh, it is necessary to ferret,
 If does not do it well, the evil will do, or undeferential it come be,
 That is neutral, but, party shall pick, in what it will strike on having gone fishing,
 That one similar to the happened and what will occur indeed.

 It is afraid on pain of your growth to suspend own think,
 It is true that the doubt, or sentence, or it rewards here,
 Whom deservedly it operates in the disgrace with honesty,
 When it is not contradicted, thou executes of conformity,
 Evenly everything resembles to just legend that is told it in.

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